Kosmos Collection

Designer: Asli Smith

The Moon & Wisdom Rug, the Stars & Fortune Rug, and the Sun & Prosperity Rug

Contemporary felt rug collection inspired by Mesopotamian cultural heritage and aesthetics, aiming handmade production by the local and Syrian refugee women living in Harran.

Kosmos Rug Collection takes inspiration from the celestial temple of the seven planets at Sogmatar, Harran. The Moon and Wisdom Rug, inspired by the Moon God Sin, symbolizes birth, rebirth and and infinite wisdom. The Stars and Fortune Rug tells of the might of the cestial goddess Ishtar and her interaction with earth. The Sun and Prosperity Rug is about the all-powerful god of the Sun Shamash and his cosmic prosperity.

Winner of EDIDA Turkey 2021 (Elle Decoration International Design Awards) Floor Covering Category

Exhibited at: Design Week Turkey(2018), Stockholm Design Week(2018), Bosphorous Summit (2018), Casa Platform by Platform Magazine during Milan Design Week(2018), Genetic Codes of Turkish Design at Istanbul Airport(2020), Inbetween Design Space - 5th Istanbul Design Biennial (2020)